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Bus service to Downham Market and King’s Lynn.

Nearest Train stations on route to London are Watlington, Downham Market and King’s Lynn


From Downham Market roundabout take the A10 towards Kings Lynn for approximately 3 miles until you reach the small village of South Runcton.

Turn Left at signpost to Runcton Holme into School Road and drive approximately 1 mile to Runcton Holme cross roads.

Turn Left into Downham Road and drive approximately ½ mile, the entrance to Thorpland Manor Barns is on your Left.

From King’s Lynn roundabout take the A.10 towards Downham Market for approximately 7 Miles until you reach the small village of South Runcton.

Turn Right at signpost to Runcton Holme into School Road and drive approximately 1 mile to Runcton Holme cross roads.

Turn Left into Downham Road and drive approximately ½ mile and the entrance to Thorpland Manor Barns is on your Left opposite the flag pole.

On your arrival please park your car at the back of the barn and phone Mary on 01553 810409 who will be pleased to meet you and show you around your holiday accommodation.

We hope you have a pleasant journey and look forward to meeting you.